Dr Nicole Rous from ShyTiger gives us advice

Top 5 Beach Safety Tips From A Vet! 


The weather may be cooling down, but that doesn't stop many of you coastal kids hitting the beach with your fur babies.

Recently I connected with Dr. Nicole Rous from Shytiger - What more could you ask for in a winning combo - eco friendly products, created by a Vet! .

Not only has she created a brand that I know you and your pooch will love (as much as Lulu and I do), but she has some great advice for keeping your pet safe on those beach trips.



"Let’s face it, most dogs love a beach adventure and it’s hard to not have a big smile on your face watching dogs run around on the beach. Beach adventures are not always fun and games though, and many dogs end up at vet clinics every year from avoidable accidents.

I’m a big believer that education is power and preparation is the key. Being prepared can save a lot of heartache.

Here are my top tips for beach safety so you and your pooch can enjoy your next beach trip without a dash to the vet clinic.

1. Know the beach.

Ensure you’re only taking your dog to a dog safe beach and check if they have restrictions for any off-leash time. Google is your friend here. It is also a good idea to research the local wildlife and plants of the beach. Are they home to puffer fish? Or jellyfish? Dogs can have severe reactions following ingestion of toxic fish as well as some plants. Of special note with plants is seaweed. Whilst seaweed has many health benefits, I would not encourage your dog to eat wild seaweed as it can swell in their stomachs (and cause obstruction) as well as carrying the risk of containing sea pollutants and high levels of salt.


2. Scope the scene.

When you arrive at the beach scope out the scene before allowing any off-
leash activity. Dogs can become very distracted at the beach and often their recall isn’t as good as it may be at home (this is where Doggy Anchor comes in handy!). If there are other dogs running off-leash, observe their behaviour to see if you think they will be a good match for your dog before allowing your own dog off-leash time.


3. Put your hand on the sand.

Sand can be incredibly hot! It can approach 40 degrees when
the temperature is only mid 20’s. Put your hand on the sand and if you can’t hold your hand on the sand without discomfort then it is too hot for your dog’s paws. This is also an important tip for car parks or anywhere your dog may be walking on hot days. Burnt pads are very sore and often need lots of pain relief, bandaging and support.

4. Consider sunscreen just like us.

If your dog has any pale or exposed skin it’s important to
apply sunscreen just like us. Dogs may lick sunscreen off however so make sure you’re using sunscreen that is safe for dogs. If you have a very vulnerable dog it may be worth investing in a sunsuit, nose protector or other forms of sun protection as dogs can suffer from sunburn and skin cancer like us.

5. Bring supplies.

It’s easy to enthusiastically prepare for a beach trip and forget the supplies.
One of the most important things is a first aid kit so you’re ready for any mishaps. Torn nails and small wounds can commonly happen through exuberance and sharp stick, shells or coral at the beach so having your bandages and first aid supplies will make sure you’re ready. It’s
also important to take a water bowl and fresh water. You don’t want to encourage drinking of salty sea water, lots of salt and upset tummies will await! High value treats are also important to help the recall which is often not at its best in such an exciting atmosphere. And, off course, don’t forget your eco-friendly poo bags as you don’t want to leave any surprises at the beach for other people!

Beach days with your dog are one of the most exciting adventures that you will create long lasting memories with. Hopefully these easy tips will help ensure your next beach trip with your dog is filled with fun and reduces the risk of any mishaps."

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